Hi Everyone meet my lovely cat Simba. I adopted him near the end of my first year of pharmacy school and he was and still is a blessing! Here is a story about him and how animals can be absolutely therapeutic for the mind.
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Simba and his siblings were found abandoned near a Walmart in Florida. With my insane love for cats, I decided to adopt him and took him in with open arms to provide shelter, warmth, comfort and love.
Cheap Ambien From Canada Well I’ve always been fascinated with cats and told myself whenever I get my first cat I would name him or her Simba from my favorite childhood movie “The Lion King’. How is Simba like?
Simba is not like the usual cat, he is incredibly playful and loves being in the presence of other human beings. In fact I believe he loves human beings more than other animals. He also REALLY loves food and can eat his life away if I allow him.
Zolpidem PurchaseCheap Clonazepam Tablets Therapeutics of Owning a Pet Online India Pharmacy school as i’m sure you have heard is incredibly stressful. Simba has honestly been a median in helping to relieve my stress. Playing with feathers and having him comfort me is truly priceless. After a long day of studying and classes I appreciate coming home to him waiting for me by the door. It simply places a huge smile on my face especially if I had a rough day. having a pet is not all wonderful and amazing there is ALOT of responsibility that comes with it. A pet is like your baby you have to make sure they are fed well, have enough love, get enough playtime and more. But the pros always outweigh the cons. If you have ever considered getting a pet especially as a student, I would highly recommend it, ONLY if you are ready for the responsibility. Having a pet is truly the best thing ever! –Ms RxGeek