Welcome to the first Pill Seat Interview with Ms Rx Geek! Where we interview a variety of healthcare professionals, share opinions, experiences and more that will be enriching to our readers. Today’s interview is with a Clinical Pharmacist (who will remain anonymous for privacy reasons) that survived COVID-19 and would like to share their experience with the virus, thoughts about this pandemic and that even young healthcare professionals are not immune to this deadly havoc of COVID-19.

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https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/2qr3f9kb8r First off , thank you so much for participating in this interview with me, to start off for our readers, what is your current role as a pharmacist?


Yes of course, currently I am a clinical pharmacist at a community hospital in New York City with a collaborative practice agreement. I currently manage patients in a 500-bed long-term care facility.

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https://www.nhgazette.com/2025/02/01/5w47wvxyrjg Zolpidem Buy While we are on the topic of pharmacy roles, Some people have this idea that pharmacists who work in hospitals are not front line workers? What do you have to say about this? I’m sure you have many experiences to share that prove that statement is false.

http://www.galleriamoitre.com/6iympk5 I completely disagree with that statement. Pharmacists are front line workers. Clinical pharmacists attend rounds and codes which occur on the floors and at the bedside of each patient. They are present at each aspect of patient care: ED, acute floors, intensive care, long-term care and more.They are at a huge risk of exposure. Main pharmacy staff are also at exposure as nurses and providers routinely stop by the pharmacy for patient medications, as well as pharmacy technicians delivering medications multiple times a day.


And unfortunately because you are a pharmacist & front-line worker, you are at very high risk of catching the virus. The CDC mentions key symptoms to look out for, however from what I have been seeing it doesn’t seem to be consistent across the board for everyone.Hence, when were you officially diagnosed with COVID-19 and what were your initial symptoms?


https://regenamex.com/2b1ag6lv5 I was diagnosed with COVID-19 at the end of March. My symptoms were the following: https://baixacultura.org/2025/02/01/hlfb3ljm0z5 low grade fever, shortness of breath, chills, night sweats, cough, sore throat, body aches, Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea and loss of smell. Eventually, I had a chest x-ray and CT scan done which showed bilateral lower lobe COVID related viral pneumonia.


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Since the end of March

How do you feel currently? Do you notice any improvement in your symptoms?

Buy Clonazepam With Fast Delivery All my symptoms have resolved except shortness of breath upon exertion, with my SpO2 dropping and increased heart rate at rest and/or exertion. Slowly my symptoms are improving, but nowhere close to baseline.

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https://oringsuspensiones.com/en/9wcro66 As far as medications, I did take vitamin C (which I am still taking), zinc, acetaminophen, and Plaquenil which seemed to improve my symptoms. In regards to anything that made me feel worse was probably doxycycline because of some GI related side effects.

https://seameotropmednetwork.org/docus/jamexud/ https://electroseleccio.cat/atxsn2tdnb **Disclaimer: Do not take Plaquenil unless it is prescribed by your Doctor for a reasonable medical cause, also consult with your Doctor before starting any new medication.

https://www.daathize.com.br/699eu1la7 So as you know they plan on opening the public soon, what are your thoughts on this? Is it too soon?

https://sapooni.com/2v8iwrrjjb I honestly don’t think it’s a good idea. Yes, the economy is taking a huge hit and many people are at home without jobs/income but the risk is much more detrimental if the stay at home orders are lifted too soon, especially for heavily populated and/or higher risk areas.

Is Buying Ambien Online Illegal https://www.ordovicianatlas.org/pxmvin2eo I completely agree, what would you like the public to know about this virus?

https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/ivmmpu2zb This virus isn’t a joke. I see people saying how it’s not a big deal or they know people have recovered quickly, but this virus targets everyone differently. As a young and healthy person, I did not think I would still be in the condition I am with this virus, it is just crazy. Yes there are people who are asymptomatic, recover quickly, or avoid the virus completely. But not everyone is that lucky. I don’t think people will realize the severity of the virus unless it affects them or their family/friends. Consider and digest the amount infected and deaths in our country alone to analyze the huge havoc this virus has caused. Lastly, I want everyone to realize this IS NOT a political issue, and politics need to stay out of this.

Buying Ambien Online Overnight https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/pmhyfa9i I couldn’t have said it any better! Thank you so much for your time, the readers and myself will be praying for a speedy recovery on your behalf. Be safe!

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By Ms Rx Geek

Clinical Pharmacist