As a pharmacy student on rotations there are important things that one must have in their white coat. Here are a couple things I found personally useful.

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Having some pens on hand in your white coat is a must! Just make sure it isn’t one of those pens that leaks easily or else, it will be quite a tragic moment.

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If there is anything you take from this, please remember to have a handy notebook that fits in your white coat pocket. During rotations you want to be able to jot down important things you learn especially during orientation so you don’t forget certain things. Also side tip, paste a little lab values/equation cheat sheet into your notebook to help you during rotations. We are only human, we can’t remember everything off the top of our heads.

Clonazepam For Sleep Side Effects Pins If you were inducted into honor societies such as Phi Lambda Sigma and/or Rho Chi be proud and display them on your white coat. You worked very hard to obtain those honors and you have every right to be proud. Also if you pledged a fraternity wearing that pin proudly works as well. This gives people an idea the type of student you are as everyone in the pharmacy world knows what they mean.

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I know I mentioned this book in my last post but I will forever say this is THE book every student pharmacist must have during rotations. Plus it fits very nicely in your white coat pocket without adding too much weight. You can purchase this off the American Pharmacists Association website.

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The use of phones usually is frowned upon in alot of health institutions so having an apple watch helps keep you up to date with who is contacting you just by looking at your wrist and not having to pull out your phone.

Chapstick Its important to keep those lips soft and moisturized so they don’t crack!

Klonopin Delivery In 24 Hours Now there is only so much one can fit in their white coat, or else your shoulders will hurt after sometime with all the extra added weight to your pockets. I hope you found this useful, please comment below and share your own personal favorite things to have in your white coat.

By Ms Rx Geek

Clinical Pharmacist