Unfortunately with the opioid crisis there has been alot of negative stigma shared in the media about the use of opioids. However it is important to know that many people actually need opioids to control their pain. If you do not control pain it can be very debilitating and decrease your quality of life. Also there is a big difference between someone who is dependent on opioids, addicted and abuses opioids. Here they are:


When you need an opioid to control your pain and improve your quality of life because without it you would be very miserable.


The difference between dependence and addiction is in behavior. If you are going out of your way to steal opioids at a pharmacy or do things that forego your responsibilities in life because of opioids you are addicted.


When you repeatedly conduct in an act that is detrimental to you. So for instance going to a bar every night for drinks when you have to work during the week or have children to take care of.. this can ultimately lead to addiction.

Also it is important I note you cannot tell someone is addicted just by looking at them. It is only in form of actions, it is not based on your skin color, gender or age.

— Ms RxGeek

By Ms Rx Geek

Clinical Pharmacist