With Phase I of the match now being complete, the match statistics have now finally been released. Here is a quick summary of the statistics!

https://sapooni.com/lokvkl6 Just a reminder Phase II of the match will occur April 12, 2018.

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https://www.suitupmaine.org/rhy364ei https://calif-ilc.org/kwc3gfm 64% of candidates matched in Phase I


https://www.daathize.com.br/ffydbjpngvl In general from Phase I, 6505 enrolled in the match while 5236 candidates actually participated in the match. Out of those people who participated approximately 64% (3361) ended up matching, while 1875 people did not end up matching. In addition 58% ended up matching with their top choice.


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58% of people who matched matched at their top choice

With Phase II around the corner it will be interesting to see what the final statistics will be, stay tuned to find out in the future.


https://medikaplaza.com/plaza/fudypyxi/ If you want a detailed summary of the statistics please visit the website by clicking here.


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